功能、空间与环境的关系,是本案在设计初始所面临的主要矛盾和核心议题。“究竟什么样的方案,才是真正适合这个场地的?” 于是设计出发点又回到如何应对狭窄场地以及现场周边环境。最终呈现的方案,将不同的功能空间装载于四组串连的建筑体量之中,并在连接之处留出景观平台。结合了弧形屋面的建筑形态宛如孩子们都喜欢的托马斯小火车,一节一节的驶入场地之中,并带着孩子们的想象,驶向未来。
In designing the Vanke Experimental Kindergarten, the precarious balancing of program, space and context were of the primary concerns. “What is the best strategy for this very site?” Eventually, it went back to solving the essential problem of tackling with the site itself and the surroundings. The final scheme is a serially connected four volumes of space, each loaded with different programmatic spaces and connected by exterior platforms with views towards outside landscape. The curve-roof three-storey volume vaguely resembles the universally famous cartoon character Thomas train, passing through the site and carrying children’s imagination into the future.
In order to create playful interiors, various sizes and types of openings are created. The window modules relate to the dimension of both grown-ups and kids. The combination of different openings’ bring diverse observation experience for children and adults alike.